BONMARIN Mathias Alumni Scientific collaborator, BioNanomaterials 0000-0003-0227-9247 Projects team NanoLockin Detecting nanoparticles in complex media is all in a day's work for the first AMI startup Read more Publications 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2010 2009 2008 2004 2003 HypIRskin: Thermography-Guided Device for Diagnosis and Characterization of Skin Cancer Lesions Verstockt Jan, Clarys Warre, Hillen Michaël, Verspeek Simon, Bonmarin Mathias, Thiessen Filip, Brochez Lieve, Steenackers Gunther 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2024) A photothermal solar tunnel via multiple transparent Fe3O4@Cu2-xS thin films for heating utility application Anudeep Katepalli, Yuxin Wang, Jou Lin, Anton Harfmann, Mathias Bonmarin, John Krupczak, Donglu Shi not found (2024) Effect of Signal Modulation on Active Microwave Thermography Logan M. Wilcox, Mathias Bonmarin, Kristen M. Donnell IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , 1-1 (2024) BODIPY-Based Photothermal Agents with Excellent Phototoxic Indices for Cancer Treatment Lukas Schneider, Martina Kalt, Samuel Koch, Shanmugi Sithamparanathan, Veronika Villiger, Johann Mattiat, Flavia Kradolfer, Ekaterina Slyshkina, Sandra Luber, Mathias Bonmarin, Caroline Maake, Bernhard Spingler Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 , 4534-4544 (2023) Portable Multi-Wavelength Fluorescence Measurement Device: Empirical Evaluation Raphael Hagen, Daniel Fehr, Fabrizio Spano, Samuel Babity, Davide Brambilla, Mathias Bonmarin IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , 1-1 (2023) Integrated Device Based on a Sudomotor Nanomaterial for Sweat Detection Liuyu Gong, Mathias Bonmarin, Fabrizio Spano, Ya Shen, Lin Shen, Guocheng Han, Shanshan Wei, Qihan Zhang, Zhencheng Chen, Feijun Zhao ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 , 29866-29875 (2023) Quantification of nanoparticles' concentration inside polymer films using lock-in thermography Giulia Mirabello, Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Geers, Barbara Rothen-Ruthishauser, Mathias Bonmarin, Alke Petri-Fink, Marco Lattuada Nanoscale Advances (2023) Augmented and Virtual Reality in Dermatology—Where Do We Stand and What Comes Next? Mathias Bonmarin, Severin Läuchli, Alexander Navarini Dermato 2 , 1-7 (2022) Development of a diffusion-weighed mathematical model for intradermal drainage quantification Christoph Kirsch, Daniel Fehr, Samuel Babity, Anna Polomska, Michael Detmar, Mathias Bonmarin, Davide Brambilla Drug Delivery and Translational Research 12 , 897-905 (2022) Use of digital technologies to combat loneliness and social isolation: a cross-sectional study in Swiss outpatient care during COVID-19 pandemic Sabrina Stängle, Franzisca Domeisen Benedetti, Hannele Hediger, Mathias Bonmarin, Martin Loeser, André Fringer BMC Nursing 21 (2022) BODIPY-Based Photothermal Agents with Unprecedented Phototoxic Indices for Cancer Treatment Lukas Schneider, Martina Kalt, Samuel Koch, Shanmugi Sithamparanathan, Veronika Villiger, Johann Mattiat, Flavia Kradolfer, Ekaterina Sylshkina, Sandra Luber, Mathias Bonmarin, Caroline Maake, Bernhard Spingler not found (2022) A Naked Eye-Invisible Ratiometric Fluorescent Microneedle Tattoo for Real-Time Monitoring of Inflammatory Skin Conditions Samuel Babity, Frédéric Couture, Estefânia V. R. Campos, Sarah Hedtrich, Raphael Hagen, Daniel Fehr, Mathias Bonmarin, Davide Brambilla Advanced Healthcare Materials 11 , 2102070 (2022) Portable Multi-Wavelength Fluorescence Measurement Device Raphael Hagen, Daniel Fehr, Fabrizio Spano, Davide Brambilla, Mathias Bonmarin 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2022) A simple non-contact optical method to quantify <i>in-vivo</i> sweat gland activity and pulsation Amy Drexelius, Daniel Fehr, Vincent Vescoli, Jason Heikenfeld, Mathias Bonmarin IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 1-1 (2022) Pulsed-Active Microwave Thermography Logan M. Wilcox, Mathias Bonmarin, Kristen M. Donnell 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) (2022) BODIPY-Based Photothermal Agents for Cancer Treatment Lukas Schneider, Martina Kalt, Samuel Koch, Shanmugi Sithamparanathan, Veronika Villiger, Johann Mattiat, Flavia Kradolfer, Ekaterina Sylshkina, Sandra Luber, Mathias Bonmarin, Caroline Maake, Bernhard Spingler not found (2022) Development and Clinical Validation of the LymphMonitor Technology to Quantitatively Assess Lymphatic Function Anna Polomska, Epameinondas Gousopoulos, Daniel Fehr, Andreas Bachmann, Mathias Bonmarin, Michael Detmar, Nicole Lindenblatt Diagnostics 11 , 1873 (2021) Modeling Stratum Corneum Swelling for the Optimization of Electrode-Based Skin Hydration Sensors Claudio Malnati, Daniel Fehr, Fabrizio Spano, Mathias Bonmarin Sensors (2021) Experimental and theoretical validation of plasmonic nanoparticle heat generation by using lock-in thermography Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Geers, Mathias Bonmarin, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Alke Petri-Fink, Marco Lattuada The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 , 5890-5896 (2021) A capacitive color-changing electronic skin for touch sensing applications Daniel Fehr, Renske Sassenburg, Jacqueline Blunschi, Aime Lay-Ekuakille, Alessandro Massaro, Mathias Bonmarin, Fabrizio Spano 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2021) Using Lock-In Thermography to Investigate Stimuli-Responsive Nanoparticles in Complex Environments Mathias Bonmarin, Lukas Steinmetz, Fabrizio Spano, Christoph Geers IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 24 , 3-10 (2021) A simple instrument to measure the thermal transport properties of the human skin Asier Zubiaga, Christoph Kirsch, Gernot Boiger, Mathias Bonmarin 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2021) Method for characterizing particles producing heat when exposed to light and device for carrying out the method other (2020) A comparative study of silver nanoparticle dissolution under physiological conditions Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Geers, Sandor Balog, Mathias Bonmarin, Laura Rodriguez-Lorenzo, Patricia Taladriz-Blanco, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Alke Petri-Fink Nanoscale Advances 2 , 5760-5768 (2020) Rapid and sensitive quantification of cell-associated multi-walled carbon nanotubes Lukas Steinmetz, Joel Bourquin, Hana Barosova, Laetitia Haeni, Jessica Caldwell, Ana Milosevic, Christoph Geers, Mathias Bonmarin, Patricia Taladriz-Blanco, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Alke Petri-Fink Nanoscale 12 , 17362-17372 (2020) Investigating a lock-in thermal imaging setup for the detection and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Kirsch, Christoph Geers, Alke Petri-Fink, Mathias Bonmarin Nanomaterials 10 , 1665 (2020) Rational design of a fluorescent microneedle tattoo for minimally invasive monitoring of lymphatic function Samuel Babity, Anna K. Polomska, Frédéric Couture, Mathias Bonmarin, Daniel Fehr, Michael Detmar, Davide Brambilla Journal of Controlled Release 327 , 350-359 (2020) Photonically-activated molecular excitations for thermal energy conversion in porphyrinic compounds Yuan Zhao, Jou Lin, David M. Kundrat, Mathias Bonmarin, John Krupczak, Som V. Thomas, Mengyao Lyu, Donglu Shi The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 , 1575-1584 (2020) Ultra-simple wearable local sweat volume monitoring patch based on swellable hydrogels F. J. Zhao, M. Bonmarin, Z. C. Chen, M. Larson, D. Fay, D. Runnoe, J. Heikenfeld Lab on a Chip 20 , 168-174 (2020) Lock-In Thermography to Analyze Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dispersions Lukas Steinmetz, Patricia Taladriz‐Blanco, Christoph Geers, Miguel Spuch‐Calvar, Mathias Bonmarin, Sandor Balog, Barbara Rothen‐Rutishauser, Alke Petri‐Fink Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 36 , 1900224 (2019) Minimally invasive method for the point-of-care quantification of lymphatic vessel function Anna K. Polomska, Steven T. Proulx, Davide Brambilla, Daniel Fehr, Mathias Bonmarin, Simon Brändli, Mirko Meboldt, Christian Steuer, Tsvetina Vasileva, Nils Reinke, Jean-Christophe Leroux, Michael Detmar JCI Insight 4 (2019) Thermography: High sensitivity and specificity diagnosing contact dermatitis in patch testing Florian Anzengruber, Fayez Alotaibi, Lilian S. Kaufmann, Adhideb Ghosh, Martin R. Oswald, Julia-Tatjana Maul, Barbara Meier, Lars E. French, Mathias Bonmarin, Alexander A. Navarini Allergology International 68 , 254-258 (2019) Lock-In Thermography as an Analytical Tool for Magnetic Nanoparticles: Measuring Heating Power and Magnetic Fields Christophe A. Monnier, Federica Crippa, Christoph Geers, Evelyne Knapp, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Mathias Bonmarin, Marco Lattuada, Alke Petri-Fink The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 , 27164-27175 (2017) Lock-in thermography as a rapid and reproducible thermal characterization method for magnetic nanoparticles Philipp Lemal, Christoph Geers, Christophe A. Monnier, Federica Crippa, Leopold Daum, Dominic A. Urban, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Mathias Bonmarin, Alke Petri-Fink, Thomas L. Moore Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 427 , 206-211 (2017) Thermal Imaging in Dermatology M. Bonmarin, F.A. Le Gal Imaging in Dermatology , 437-454 (2016) A lock-in-based method to examine the thermal signatures of magnetic nanoparticles in the liquid, solid and aggregated states C. A. Monnier, M. Lattuada, D. Burnand, F. Crippa, J. C. Martinez-Garcia, A. M. Hirt, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, M. Bonmarin, A. Petri-Fink Nanoscale 8 , 13321-13332 (2016) A lock-in thermal imaging setup for dermatological applications M. Bonmarin, F.-A. Le Gal Skin Research and Technology 21 , 284-290 (2015) Lock-in thermal imaging for the early-stage detection of cutaneous melanoma: A feasibility study Mathias Bonmarin, Frédérique-Anne Le Gal Computers in Biology and Medicine 47 , 36-43 (2014) Electrothermal finite-element modeling for defect characterization in thin-film silicon solar modules T. Lanz, M. Bonmarin, M. Stuckelberger, C. Schlumpf, C. Ballif, B. Ruhstaller IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19 , 1-8 (2013) Transient vibrational circular dichroism spectrometer: technical development M. Bonmarin, J. Helbing EPJ Web of Conferences 5 , 03002 (2010) Time-resolved vibrational circular dichroism and optical rotation with utrashort laser pulses Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (2010) Vibrational chiral spectroscopy with femtosecond laser pulses J. Helbing, M. Bonmarin EPJ Web of Conferences 5 , 03004 (2010) Time-resolved chiral vibrational spectroscopy Jan Helbing, Mathias Bonmarin CHIMIA 63 , 128 (2009) Picosecond Time-Resolved Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing Springer Series in Chemical Physics , 391-393 (2009) Vibrational circular dichroism signal enhancement using self-heterodyning with elliptically polarized laser pulses Jan Helbing, Mathias Bonmarin The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 , 174507 (2009) Polarization control of ultrashort mid-ir laser pulses for transient vibrational circular dichroism measurements Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing Chirality 21 , E298-E306 (2009) A picosecond time-resolved vibrational circular dichroism spectrometer Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing Optics Letters 33 , 2086 (2008) 3-D optical coherence tomography of the laryngeal mucosa A.G. Bibas, A.Gh. Podoleanu, R.G. Cucu, M. Bonmarin, G.M. Dobre, V.M.M. Ward, E. Odell, A. Boxer, M.J. Gleeson, D.A. Jackson Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences 29 , 713-720 (2004) OCT imaging of the larynx: A feasibility study Athanasios G. Bibas, Adrian Gh. Podoleanu, Radu G. Cucu, Mathias Bonmarin, George M. Dobre, Vicky Ward, Edward O'Dell, Aaron Boxer, Michael J. Gleeson, David A. Jackson SPIE Proceedings (2003)
NanoLockin Detecting nanoparticles in complex media is all in a day's work for the first AMI startup Read more
HypIRskin: Thermography-Guided Device for Diagnosis and Characterization of Skin Cancer Lesions Verstockt Jan, Clarys Warre, Hillen Michaël, Verspeek Simon, Bonmarin Mathias, Thiessen Filip, Brochez Lieve, Steenackers Gunther 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2024) A photothermal solar tunnel via multiple transparent Fe3O4@Cu2-xS thin films for heating utility application Anudeep Katepalli, Yuxin Wang, Jou Lin, Anton Harfmann, Mathias Bonmarin, John Krupczak, Donglu Shi not found (2024) Effect of Signal Modulation on Active Microwave Thermography Logan M. Wilcox, Mathias Bonmarin, Kristen M. Donnell IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , 1-1 (2024) BODIPY-Based Photothermal Agents with Excellent Phototoxic Indices for Cancer Treatment Lukas Schneider, Martina Kalt, Samuel Koch, Shanmugi Sithamparanathan, Veronika Villiger, Johann Mattiat, Flavia Kradolfer, Ekaterina Slyshkina, Sandra Luber, Mathias Bonmarin, Caroline Maake, Bernhard Spingler Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 , 4534-4544 (2023) Portable Multi-Wavelength Fluorescence Measurement Device: Empirical Evaluation Raphael Hagen, Daniel Fehr, Fabrizio Spano, Samuel Babity, Davide Brambilla, Mathias Bonmarin IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , 1-1 (2023) Integrated Device Based on a Sudomotor Nanomaterial for Sweat Detection Liuyu Gong, Mathias Bonmarin, Fabrizio Spano, Ya Shen, Lin Shen, Guocheng Han, Shanshan Wei, Qihan Zhang, Zhencheng Chen, Feijun Zhao ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 , 29866-29875 (2023) Quantification of nanoparticles' concentration inside polymer films using lock-in thermography Giulia Mirabello, Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Geers, Barbara Rothen-Ruthishauser, Mathias Bonmarin, Alke Petri-Fink, Marco Lattuada Nanoscale Advances (2023) Augmented and Virtual Reality in Dermatology—Where Do We Stand and What Comes Next? Mathias Bonmarin, Severin Läuchli, Alexander Navarini Dermato 2 , 1-7 (2022) Development of a diffusion-weighed mathematical model for intradermal drainage quantification Christoph Kirsch, Daniel Fehr, Samuel Babity, Anna Polomska, Michael Detmar, Mathias Bonmarin, Davide Brambilla Drug Delivery and Translational Research 12 , 897-905 (2022) Use of digital technologies to combat loneliness and social isolation: a cross-sectional study in Swiss outpatient care during COVID-19 pandemic Sabrina Stängle, Franzisca Domeisen Benedetti, Hannele Hediger, Mathias Bonmarin, Martin Loeser, André Fringer BMC Nursing 21 (2022) BODIPY-Based Photothermal Agents with Unprecedented Phototoxic Indices for Cancer Treatment Lukas Schneider, Martina Kalt, Samuel Koch, Shanmugi Sithamparanathan, Veronika Villiger, Johann Mattiat, Flavia Kradolfer, Ekaterina Sylshkina, Sandra Luber, Mathias Bonmarin, Caroline Maake, Bernhard Spingler not found (2022) A Naked Eye-Invisible Ratiometric Fluorescent Microneedle Tattoo for Real-Time Monitoring of Inflammatory Skin Conditions Samuel Babity, Frédéric Couture, Estefânia V. R. Campos, Sarah Hedtrich, Raphael Hagen, Daniel Fehr, Mathias Bonmarin, Davide Brambilla Advanced Healthcare Materials 11 , 2102070 (2022) Portable Multi-Wavelength Fluorescence Measurement Device Raphael Hagen, Daniel Fehr, Fabrizio Spano, Davide Brambilla, Mathias Bonmarin 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2022) A simple non-contact optical method to quantify <i>in-vivo</i> sweat gland activity and pulsation Amy Drexelius, Daniel Fehr, Vincent Vescoli, Jason Heikenfeld, Mathias Bonmarin IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , 1-1 (2022) Pulsed-Active Microwave Thermography Logan M. Wilcox, Mathias Bonmarin, Kristen M. Donnell 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) (2022) BODIPY-Based Photothermal Agents for Cancer Treatment Lukas Schneider, Martina Kalt, Samuel Koch, Shanmugi Sithamparanathan, Veronika Villiger, Johann Mattiat, Flavia Kradolfer, Ekaterina Sylshkina, Sandra Luber, Mathias Bonmarin, Caroline Maake, Bernhard Spingler not found (2022) Development and Clinical Validation of the LymphMonitor Technology to Quantitatively Assess Lymphatic Function Anna Polomska, Epameinondas Gousopoulos, Daniel Fehr, Andreas Bachmann, Mathias Bonmarin, Michael Detmar, Nicole Lindenblatt Diagnostics 11 , 1873 (2021) Modeling Stratum Corneum Swelling for the Optimization of Electrode-Based Skin Hydration Sensors Claudio Malnati, Daniel Fehr, Fabrizio Spano, Mathias Bonmarin Sensors (2021) Experimental and theoretical validation of plasmonic nanoparticle heat generation by using lock-in thermography Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Geers, Mathias Bonmarin, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Alke Petri-Fink, Marco Lattuada The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 , 5890-5896 (2021) A capacitive color-changing electronic skin for touch sensing applications Daniel Fehr, Renske Sassenburg, Jacqueline Blunschi, Aime Lay-Ekuakille, Alessandro Massaro, Mathias Bonmarin, Fabrizio Spano 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2021) Using Lock-In Thermography to Investigate Stimuli-Responsive Nanoparticles in Complex Environments Mathias Bonmarin, Lukas Steinmetz, Fabrizio Spano, Christoph Geers IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine 24 , 3-10 (2021) A simple instrument to measure the thermal transport properties of the human skin Asier Zubiaga, Christoph Kirsch, Gernot Boiger, Mathias Bonmarin 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (2021) Method for characterizing particles producing heat when exposed to light and device for carrying out the method other (2020) A comparative study of silver nanoparticle dissolution under physiological conditions Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Geers, Sandor Balog, Mathias Bonmarin, Laura Rodriguez-Lorenzo, Patricia Taladriz-Blanco, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Alke Petri-Fink Nanoscale Advances 2 , 5760-5768 (2020) Rapid and sensitive quantification of cell-associated multi-walled carbon nanotubes Lukas Steinmetz, Joel Bourquin, Hana Barosova, Laetitia Haeni, Jessica Caldwell, Ana Milosevic, Christoph Geers, Mathias Bonmarin, Patricia Taladriz-Blanco, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Alke Petri-Fink Nanoscale 12 , 17362-17372 (2020) Investigating a lock-in thermal imaging setup for the detection and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles Lukas Steinmetz, Christoph Kirsch, Christoph Geers, Alke Petri-Fink, Mathias Bonmarin Nanomaterials 10 , 1665 (2020) Rational design of a fluorescent microneedle tattoo for minimally invasive monitoring of lymphatic function Samuel Babity, Anna K. Polomska, Frédéric Couture, Mathias Bonmarin, Daniel Fehr, Michael Detmar, Davide Brambilla Journal of Controlled Release 327 , 350-359 (2020) Photonically-activated molecular excitations for thermal energy conversion in porphyrinic compounds Yuan Zhao, Jou Lin, David M. Kundrat, Mathias Bonmarin, John Krupczak, Som V. Thomas, Mengyao Lyu, Donglu Shi The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 , 1575-1584 (2020) Ultra-simple wearable local sweat volume monitoring patch based on swellable hydrogels F. J. Zhao, M. Bonmarin, Z. C. Chen, M. Larson, D. Fay, D. Runnoe, J. Heikenfeld Lab on a Chip 20 , 168-174 (2020) Lock-In Thermography to Analyze Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dispersions Lukas Steinmetz, Patricia Taladriz‐Blanco, Christoph Geers, Miguel Spuch‐Calvar, Mathias Bonmarin, Sandor Balog, Barbara Rothen‐Rutishauser, Alke Petri‐Fink Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 36 , 1900224 (2019) Minimally invasive method for the point-of-care quantification of lymphatic vessel function Anna K. Polomska, Steven T. Proulx, Davide Brambilla, Daniel Fehr, Mathias Bonmarin, Simon Brändli, Mirko Meboldt, Christian Steuer, Tsvetina Vasileva, Nils Reinke, Jean-Christophe Leroux, Michael Detmar JCI Insight 4 (2019) Thermography: High sensitivity and specificity diagnosing contact dermatitis in patch testing Florian Anzengruber, Fayez Alotaibi, Lilian S. Kaufmann, Adhideb Ghosh, Martin R. Oswald, Julia-Tatjana Maul, Barbara Meier, Lars E. French, Mathias Bonmarin, Alexander A. Navarini Allergology International 68 , 254-258 (2019) Lock-In Thermography as an Analytical Tool for Magnetic Nanoparticles: Measuring Heating Power and Magnetic Fields Christophe A. Monnier, Federica Crippa, Christoph Geers, Evelyne Knapp, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Mathias Bonmarin, Marco Lattuada, Alke Petri-Fink The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 , 27164-27175 (2017) Lock-in thermography as a rapid and reproducible thermal characterization method for magnetic nanoparticles Philipp Lemal, Christoph Geers, Christophe A. Monnier, Federica Crippa, Leopold Daum, Dominic A. Urban, Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, Mathias Bonmarin, Alke Petri-Fink, Thomas L. Moore Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 427 , 206-211 (2017) Thermal Imaging in Dermatology M. Bonmarin, F.A. Le Gal Imaging in Dermatology , 437-454 (2016) A lock-in-based method to examine the thermal signatures of magnetic nanoparticles in the liquid, solid and aggregated states C. A. Monnier, M. Lattuada, D. Burnand, F. Crippa, J. C. Martinez-Garcia, A. M. Hirt, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, M. Bonmarin, A. Petri-Fink Nanoscale 8 , 13321-13332 (2016) A lock-in thermal imaging setup for dermatological applications M. Bonmarin, F.-A. Le Gal Skin Research and Technology 21 , 284-290 (2015) Lock-in thermal imaging for the early-stage detection of cutaneous melanoma: A feasibility study Mathias Bonmarin, Frédérique-Anne Le Gal Computers in Biology and Medicine 47 , 36-43 (2014) Electrothermal finite-element modeling for defect characterization in thin-film silicon solar modules T. Lanz, M. Bonmarin, M. Stuckelberger, C. Schlumpf, C. Ballif, B. Ruhstaller IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 19 , 1-8 (2013) Transient vibrational circular dichroism spectrometer: technical development M. Bonmarin, J. Helbing EPJ Web of Conferences 5 , 03002 (2010) Time-resolved vibrational circular dichroism and optical rotation with utrashort laser pulses Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (2010) Vibrational chiral spectroscopy with femtosecond laser pulses J. Helbing, M. Bonmarin EPJ Web of Conferences 5 , 03004 (2010) Time-resolved chiral vibrational spectroscopy Jan Helbing, Mathias Bonmarin CHIMIA 63 , 128 (2009) Picosecond Time-Resolved Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing Springer Series in Chemical Physics , 391-393 (2009) Vibrational circular dichroism signal enhancement using self-heterodyning with elliptically polarized laser pulses Jan Helbing, Mathias Bonmarin The Journal of Chemical Physics 131 , 174507 (2009) Polarization control of ultrashort mid-ir laser pulses for transient vibrational circular dichroism measurements Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing Chirality 21 , E298-E306 (2009) A picosecond time-resolved vibrational circular dichroism spectrometer Mathias Bonmarin, Jan Helbing Optics Letters 33 , 2086 (2008) 3-D optical coherence tomography of the laryngeal mucosa A.G. Bibas, A.Gh. Podoleanu, R.G. Cucu, M. Bonmarin, G.M. Dobre, V.M.M. Ward, E. Odell, A. Boxer, M.J. Gleeson, D.A. Jackson Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences 29 , 713-720 (2004) OCT imaging of the larynx: A feasibility study Athanasios G. Bibas, Adrian Gh. Podoleanu, Radu G. Cucu, Mathias Bonmarin, George M. Dobre, Vicky Ward, Edward O'Dell, Aaron Boxer, Michael J. Gleeson, David A. Jackson SPIE Proceedings (2003)