Exploring the Interaction of Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles with Macrophage Lysosomes, 2024
In the Aftermath of Throwaway Living: Bridging the gap between analytical limitations and the need to assess growing concerns regarding micro-, submicron-, and nanoplastics, 2023
Engineering of myoglobin for reactions with organic radicals, 2023
From Powder to Cellular Response: Life Cycle of Nanoparticle Analysis , 2023
Modulating nanoparticle-cell interactions in the presence of biological molecules, 2023
Deciphering nanoparticle endocytosis to improve therapeutic strategies, 2023
Engineered particle surfaces to alter cell mechanotransduction and particle internalisation, 2022
Novel biocompatible substrates incorporating nanomaterials to maneuver cellular response, 2022
Effects of ozone on the biophysical properties and biological responses of human skin, 2021
The interaction of graphene-related materials with in vitro lung cell types, 2021
Design of a human omentum tissue model to investigate ovarian cancer cell adhesion and invasion, 2021
Lock-in thermography for the analysis of plasmonic nanomaterials, 2020
3D human co-cultures for predicting nanomaterial possible adverse effects on human health with a focus on multi-walled carbon nanotubes, 2019
Intracellular Fate of Non-Biodegradable Nanoparticles, 2019
Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Multifunctional Approach to Modern Cancer Therapy, 2019
Synthesis and Applications of Polydopamine / Protein Nanoparticles, 2019
Adapting Taylor-Aris Dispersion Analysis to nanoparticle characterization and characterizing nanoparticles in complex physiological environments, 2018
Fluorescently labeled gold nanoparticles - interactions with biomolecules, cells and intracellular fate, 2018
Hazard identification of gasoline engine exhausts using a multi-cellular human lung model, 2018
Magnetic nanoparticles and cell mechanics: towards magneto responsive substrates for cells, 2018
Nanotechnology in the Service of Wood Protection, 2018
Realistic exposure scenarios to study nanoparticle-lung cell interactions, 2017
Magnetic nanoparticles and liposomes: A material study on their potential as mediators for hyperthermia, thermal labelling and controlled drug release, 2016
Nanoparticles for wood protection: On the way towards new nanoparticle based wood preservatives, 2016
Uptake and fate of different nanoparticles in cells, 2015
A study of gold nanoparticle – immune cell interactions in vitro, 2014
An Advanced in vitro Testing Strategy for Alveolar Interactions of Cellulose Nanocrystal Aerosols, 2014
Assessing the Toxicity of Silver Nanoparticles at the Air-liquid Interface, 2014
Gold nanorods for biomedical applications – Surface Chemistry vs Geometry, 2014
Silica Hybrid Magnetic Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Surface Functionalization Strategies & Organelle Targeting, 2014
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: Poly(vinyl alcohol) coating and application for diagnosis, 2014
Diesel Engine Emissions and their Toxicity in Dependency of Engine Equipment’, 2013
Janus Magnetic Liposomes, 2013
Nanoparticles in physiological fluids: colloidal stability and cellular interaction, 2013