JUD Corinne

Postdoctoral researcher, BioNanomaterials
After finishing her university-entrance diploma (Matura Type B, including Latin) in Wattwil (SG), Corinne moved to Geneva where she worked for 9 months in the biometric department of Ares-Serono SA. She then enrolled at the University of Fribourg from where she obtained her diploma in Biochemistry at the end of 2003. In the same year, she was also selected to participate in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Fascinated by the circadian clock, she continued to work in the lab of Prof. Albrecht. For her thesis with the title “The influence of light on the circadian clock of mice and men” she gained a 2009 Chorafas prize - a worldwide award given for exceptional research.
In 2010, Corinne decided to change fields and she started to investigate the structural and dynamic properties of eye lens proteins in the Soft Nanosciences group of Prof. Schurtenberger and PD Stradner at AMI. Mid-2011, she changed internally to the BioNanomaterials group of Prof. Rothen-Rutishauser and Prof. Fink where she worked on a novel human air-blood barrier cell culture model on an ultrathin porous membrane. Besides her scientific commitments, she was also involved as a project leader in the transformation of the buildings that now accommodate our institute on the University of Fribourg's Pérolles campus.
Corinne left the institute in 2013 to take up a position at Agroscope, the Swiss federal government’s center of excellence for agricultural research. Today, she is head of the Method Development and Analytics division with over 120 collaborators, and a member of Agroscope’s executive board.