BioNanomaterials Group

The Group bridges the gap between materials science and biology, integrating diverse scientific disciplines to pursue fundamental research and advanced applications that address critical societal challenges. We take a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to understanding these materials, bringing together expertise from chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering. Our research spans from their initial synthesis to their ultimate biological and environmental impacts, encompassing their chemical properties, behavior in complex environments, interactions with living systems, and long-term effects.


AMI PhD research recognized

Adolphe Merkle Institute alum Dr. Jessica Caldwell has been awarded the prize for best 2024 experimental thesis by the University of Fribourg’s Faculty of Science and Medicine.

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AMI professor joins national council

The Adolphe Merkle Institute’s Co-Chair of BioNanomaterials, Prof. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, is one of 15 new members elected to the Swiss National Science Foundation Research Council.

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Spark grants for AMI researchers

Four Adolphe Merkle Institute researchers have been awarded Spark grants by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The grantees will investigate the detection of Huntington's disease, structural color…

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