SafetyPublished on 09.12.2016

Regulating manufactured nanomaterials

Adolphe Merkle Institute Professor Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, along with eight other European colleagues, has presented a report on the reliability of methods and data for the assessment of nanomaterial risks.

The experts’ report, which served as a basis for discussions, is a review of literature of over 1,000 peer-reviewed publications that highlights how to relate and use science-based data on nanomaterials in risk assessment, its selection, and acceptance of preferred methods.

The aim is to develop an improved regulatory review process for nanomaterials, despite the complexities related to their physicochemical properties. For the report, Rothen-Rutishauser, along with AMI postdoctoral researcher Dr. Barbara Drasler, focused on in vitro testing of manufactured nanomaterials in relation to human health.

The report was discussed at the final conference of the European Union flagship project NANoREG hosted by the OECD in Paris. Over three days at the end of November, a group of 180 international experts debated the regulatory relevance and applicability of science-based results generated over the past ten years, regarding the environmental, health and safety aspects of nanomaterials.

The results of this scientific conference will form the basis for recommendations by the ProSafe project to policy makers, regulators and industry on how to test and assess the effects and risks of nanomaterials. It also will be input for international programs for the harmonization of test methods, such as that of the OECD.